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Who is PCPR

The Philadelphia College Prep Roundtable (PCPR) is a network of professionals from non-profit and campus-based college prep programs, university admissions and financial aid offices, and school districts in the Philadelphia region. PCPR exists to provide professional development and support which will ultimately increase the number of students who are college-ready, matriculate and graduate from post-secondary institutions.  Meeting on campuses throughout the Philadelphia region, the members of the Roundtable address common concerns such as students’ academic preparedness, college entrance/placement examinations, and parental involvement and assist in the effectiveness of college guidance process.

Over the last 25+ years, thousands have attended and participated in the PCPR discussions and meetings. During that time, professionals have developed a network of people that can assist with programming and recruitment, stay informed with city, local and state policies, and critical changes in the school districts’ structure. We continue to keep the PCPR community informed with pertinent and updated information about scholarships, funding and recruitment opportunities, information about college access programs and resources and new and innovative programs. PCPR provides a valuable forum for networking with new and seasoned professionals from various organizations and institutions of higher education in and outside of our region.

2023 - 2024 Premium Member





























Cheyney University of PA
UnCommon Individual Foundation / OnTrack to Post-Secondary Education
Philadelphia Education Fund
Temple University Admission
TGR Foundation
Villanova Engineering School
Girard College
Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania’s PA Act 101 Programs