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Join us for the 8th Annual PCPR conference Continuing Courageous Conversions entitled, “College Success Matters.”

Planned conference highlights, workshop topics, registration, presenter, exhibitor and
sponsorship opportunities are below.

“Millennials on College Completion”


 “College and Career Success:
Overcoming Obstacles and Making a Difference” Plenary

Panelists Include:

Sarah Robbins – Project Lead for STE(A)M Scholars Diversity in Healthcare Pipeline
Edward Smith-Lewis – Director, Career Pathways Initiative at UNCF
Christopher Gray – Founder/CEO, Scholly
Moderated by Julian Thompson – Authorizing Quality Manager, Charter Schools Office, School District of Philadelphia


“College Student Voice – Our Current Experience” Plenary

Moderated by Eric Grimes (download biography) – Co-Founder, AAKT Concepts LLC.

Conference Workshops Include (but not limited to):

• Academic Readiness (Conference Pillar)
• The Role of HBCU’s (Conference Pillar)
• School to Work Readiness (Conference Pillar)
• New Financial Aid Process – Prior, Prior Year
• New SAT Process – After the First Year
• Resiliency and Grit
• Building a Network of Professional Access and Success Providers
• Issues Affecting Student College Completion and Success

You’re invited to present on any of the above topics or any other topic of interest which is beneficial to our college access and success network. Deadline for “Call for Presenters” is Sunday, July 24, 2016.


The following options are available for registration:

Two Day Full Conference – $95.00 – August 15th and 16thPCPR Network_Final
Single Day Conference Attendance – $75.00 – August 15th or August 16th only

Registration for the conference includes PCPR membership for the 2016-17 academic year, conference materials, meal and gift.

***Please register by Friday, August 5, 2016.



Sponsorship/Exhibitor Opportunities

For all levels of sponsorship, you will receive:

• Opportunity to disseminate or share your organization’s information, products and services to members and network (i.e. meetings, website, emails, publications, social media, job postings, etc.)
• Membership for the current or upcoming academic year

In addition, below are the details concerning our specific sponsorship level opportunities:

Doctorate – $5000

• 20 –  2-day annual conference tickets
• Full page ad in annual conference booklet
• Exhibitor table at annual conference
• 10 tickets to all PCPR professional development and member paid events for one calendar year
• Logo on website for one calendar year

Masters – $2500

• 10 –  2-day annual conference tickets
• Half page ad in annual conference booklet
• Exhibitor table at annual conference
• 5 tickets to PCPR professional development and member paid events for one calendar year
• Logo on website for one calendar year

Bachelors – $1000

• 5 – 2-day annual conference tickets
• Logo in annual conference booklet
• Exhibitor table at annual conference
• 2 tickets to all PCPR professional development and member paid events for one calendar year
• Logo on website for one calendar year

Associate – College Access and Success Advocate – $250

• 1- 2-day annual conference ticket
• Name or organization listed in annual conference booklet
• Exhibitor table at annual conference
• 1 tickets to all PCPR professional development and member paid events for one calendar year

Become an Exhibitor – $150

• 1- 2-day annual conference ticket
• Name or organization listed in annual conference booklet
• Exhibitor table at annual conference

All sponsors and exhibitors are welcome to join us.  Please complete the form to express your intent and reserve your space.  The deadline for sponsors to include and submit an ad for the conference booklet is Monday, July 25, 2016, and the deadline to reserve an exhibitor table is Monday, August 8, 2016.  Space is limited and all requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis.